Rachel Hurley Receives Emerging Research Conference Travel Award

Rachel Hurley (2nd year PhD student) was among select students to receive a full travel award for the Emerging Research National (ERN) Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The conference objectives are focused on enhancing student communication skills and career preparation for students from diverse fields in NSF funded programs. Rachel will be delivering […]
BOSS Lab Presents at 2024 Indoor Air Conference

Xingtong Guo, Rachel Hurley, and Professor Shichao Liu presented their research at the 18th Indoor Air Conference. We shared six talks, including four posters and two podium presentations related to our research on the impacts of indoor environmental quality, climate change, and COVID-19 on cognition and mental health. Xingtong presented a podium talk on how […]
Dr. Liu talked to Washington Post on thermostat setpoint during hot days

See the whole article here https://wapo.st/3PPc6wk
Dr. Liu and Chao gave presentations in ASHRAE Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.

In the ASHRAE annual meeting 2023, Dr. Liu and Chao gave two presentations regarding the effects of CO2 on cognition. The details on the two presentations are as follows: Summary: Face masks have been a common strategy proven to protect against Covid-19. There is very little research on whether wearing a mask while exposed to […]
Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) 2013 presentations

The Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) is a marketplace where students from many academic fields can mingle and exchange fresh insights and discoveries. It is also a fantastic opportunity to gather feedback on ongoing research. During the GRIE, Xingtong presented herwork about how window operation behaviors will affect indoor PM2.5 exposures during wildfires. People were […]
Dr. Shichao Liu Talked to Washington Post on the Myth of Thermostats

Dr. Liu contributed to a recent story on Washington Post titled “Think your thermostat is lying? Science explains why.” See more here.
Chao and Xingtong presented their research in WPI Graduate Research Innovation Exchange.

Dr. Liu presented in Indoor air conference 2018

The Indoor Air 2018 conference just took place in Philadelphia a few days ago. It was a phenomenal conference again. Very excited to meet and hang out with old friends and pleased to meet new researchers and friends. The conference is mainly about indoor air and its people who breathe. When indoor air is not […]
Ankle draft risk model in ASHRAE 55 addendum

We proposed our ankle draft risk model to ASHRAE standard 55 committee as an addendum in the St. Louis conference (2016) and Las Vegas conference (2017). The addendum is now at the public review (here). The review will last 30 days.
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