Rachel Hurley Receives Emerging Research Conference Travel Award

Rachel Hurley (2nd year PhD student) was among select students to receive a full travel award for the Emerging Research National (ERN) Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The conference objectives are focused on enhancing student communication skills and career preparation for students from diverse fields in NSF funded programs. Rachel will be delivering […]
Rachel Hurley is elected as the student representative for the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate.

On June 4, 2024, Rachel Hurley was elected as the student representative for the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ). This two-year term will begin during the 18th International Conference of ISIAQ in Honolulu, HI. ISIAQ is an independent, non-profit and interdisciplinary scientific organization to support the creation of healthy indoor environments. […]
Dr. Chao Wang Graduates from BOSS Lab and Begins Post-Doctoral Position at Harvard Medical School

Congratulations to Chao Wang, who successfully defended his thesis titled “Impact of Car-Cabin Environmental Parameters on Driving Performance: A Multimodal Approach” on April 12. Chao’s PhD thesis investigates the intricate relationship between Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and human cognitive performance, particularly within in-car environments. His research comprises three projects: a literature review on the effects […]
Rachel Hurley has been awarded NSF GRFP

Rachel Hurley, Lafayette Class of ’23 who will be joining the BOSS signals lab Fall of ‘23 has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Highly competitive, the NSF Graduate Research Fellowships is awarded to exceptional students pursuing or planning to pursue a research-based graduate degree program in a STEM-related field. Fellowships are […]
Chao received a travel award to present his work

Chao Wang has received a $500 Graduate Travel Award, which he will use to present his academic and research work at the 2023 ASHRAE conference in Tampa. The Graduate Travel Awards are designed to support undergraduate and graduate students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute who are attending conferences to present their academic and research work.