Professor Shichao Liu Receives National Science Foundation Grant focused on AI-driven AR tools in Architectural Design

Professor Liu has received a $399,978 National Science Foundation grant for a three-year project aimed at integrating Augmented Reality (AR) into architectural design in both academia and industry. The project will develop and test AI-driven AR tools to enhance rapid prototyping and idea exploration in design studios at WPI and Drexel University. In a WPI […]
Professor Shichao Liu Receives National Science Foundation Grant focused on AI-driven AR tools in Architectural Design

Professor Liu has received a $399,978 National Science Foundation grant for a three-year project aimed at integrating Augmented Reality (AR) into architectural design in both academia and industry. The project will develop and test AI-driven AR tools to enhance rapid prototyping and idea exploration in design studios at WPI and Drexel University. In a WPI […]